ARC Technology
Railcar GPS

Our Goal -Provide Real time tracking of railcar movement to enhance customer experience by planning their inventory and create a cost efficient supply chain.
*Track railcar realtime - provide updates on railcar location, reduce mishap of Lost car events with handoffs through rail interchange points.
*Using data analytics - measure cycle times/dwell/average delay/cars misrouted.
*Geofence to advise customer cars is within 2-4hrs from arrival, customers can prepare their site to reduce downtime while railroad services the plant, plan loading/unloading.
*Data will provide predictability to workforce planning, with our carriers (trucking), reduce wait time cost, drive product on time performance to market.
*Using analytics to right size railcar fleets - data will push accountability to the carriers, data will provide useful information for rate negotiation/ demurrage dispute and accessorial charges.
*Security and Safety - real time location of hazardous products, in the event of an incident, shippers and first responders will be able to determine what product/chemicals are involved and prepare a response plan. Shipper/Receiver will have the ability to plan
Train Handling Optimization
THOR AI is the ultimate solution for railroad safety and train handling. Our Train Health Optimization Real-time artificial intelligence system provides real-time monitoring and preventative maintenance, ensuring the highest safety standards for your railroad. THOR AI can detect potential issues before they occur and alert you immediately, allowing you to take preventive action and reduce the chance of costly disruptions. With THOR AI, you can have the peace of mind that your railroad is safe and running smoothly.